Quality Inspection in India is important simply because poor quality increase global cost of your order, and mainly you didn’t expect it in advance. In the same time defective products give you trouble with your final customers, and you loose their trust by providing them non-conform products.

By inspecting products before shipment (Initial Production Inspection, During Production Inspection, Pre Shipment Inspection, Container Loading Inspection, 100% Full Inspection, Production Monitoring) you reduce considerably risks related to quality product in India.

The costs associated with import risks and product recalls are definitely reduced thanks to our solutions for affordable price.

Indeed, on a production of 20 000 USD amount, spend only 300 USD to decrease significantly risks is definitely the best solution to secure your order without burning your cash in constant journey from your place to your factory location.

MAVENS’ planet Quality Control‘s inspection report allows you to get a status of your production and an accurate situation of your products before you have to pay the balance of your goods. It’s not only when your goods arrive to their destination port that you will have to send back your container, waste your time, run behind your supplier.

The principle involved in quality inspection is the early detection of defects and support of on-time delivery.


Initial Production Inspection

  • This service is offered at the manufacturer’s premises.
  • This operation takes place at the beginning of the production when your production has not started yet.
  • The purpose of this inspection is to check the quality of raw materials, components, accessories and semi-produced products used to start mass production.

Care at this stage avoids unnecessary reengineering delays and costs later. The reason of using Initial Production Inspection is to avoid bad surprise after the mass production starts, in which case it would involve extra cost, delay and loss of your client’s trust.

During Production Inspection

During Production Inspection when at least 20% of goods have been completed.

During Production Inspection services allows you to:

  • Detect mistake and misuderstanding from your factory earlier.
  • Make sure your goods are conformed to your specifications and expectations
  • Avoid delay and extra cost
  • Check the quality of your product and the reliability of your supplier
  • To save money by outsourcing the quality control of your product by an expert inspector directly on the field and before it is too late
  • Check if the factory is respectful to your previous recommendation

Pre Shipment Inspection

Pre Shipment Inspection services allows you to:

  • Make sure your goods are conformed to your specifications and expectations
  • Check the quality of your product and the reliability of your supplier
  • Get the possibility to reject your shipment in case of high defect rate highlighted by our inspector
  • To save money by outsourcing the control of the quality of your product by an expert inspector directly on the field
  • Avoid to get bad surprise when opening your container at destination port

Container Loading Inspection

In case of choosing Container Loading Inspection also called Container Loading Supervision, MAVENS’ planet Quality Control checks and supervises the loading of your container before shipment.


  • Report in your e-mail box an in your private space within 24H
  • Inspector on site from 9AM to 6PM (lunch time one hour)
  • Checking of your goods on the morning
  • Sealing at the end of the operations

100% Full Inspection

In case when goods required a particular attention about details, notably if they are products with high value, MAVENS’ planet Quality Control is able to perform 100% inspection of your products pieces by pieces straight in your factory.

  • Detect mistake and misunderstanding from your factory earlier.
  • Make sure your goods are conformed to your specifications and expectations
  • Avoid delay and extra cost
  • Check the quality of your product and the reliability of your supplier
  • To save money by outsourcing the quality control of your product by an expert inspector directly on the field and before it is too late
  • Check if the factory is respectful to your previous recommendation

Properly handling your suppliers protect your brands and your reputation by ensuring that these associates in your supply chain consistently comply with your high standards of quality. MAVENS’ planet offers audit and verification services for a extensive range of industries.

Email us at info@mavensplanet.com for any inspection inquiry


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