Fashion Sourcing agentsTo start a fashion label one has to deal with many things: Garment production and supplies, networking, marketing and sales as well as starting and running a business. Moreover, for the successful establishment of a fashion label it is usually necessary to have start-up capital and reserves or ongoing additional income.

What you will need:-

  • Creativity and talent – but that alone is not enough
  •  A solid education – training/study of fashion design
  • Subject-specific knowledge – know about textile industry
  • Professional practice
  • Sector-specific contacts
  • Knowledge to start a business
  • Legal support or knowledge of law and brand management
  • Organizational planning and sales talent
  • Capital
  • Much enthusiasm and idealism
  • So far it sounds as if it is not really feasible to start a fashion label, right? Wrong, it is feasible!

But there is really a lot to consider and therefore you should be a creative and talented person, willing to learn and grow as well as wanting to start your own fashion label in order to succeed and to grow it.

Creating necessary requirements for your fashion label:-

To be market-oriented, you need an expertise that goes way beyond the expertise of trained tailors or illustrators. That enables you to deal with technical terms of the textile industry as well as with basic knowledge about manufacturing, dyeing, printing, finishing of fabrics, etc..

If you notice that you are unsure about some areas it is recommended that you attend seminars, schools or go through a complete study to create the requirements for your future fashion label.

In addition to universities a number of fashion schools offer opportunities for talented newcomers. Visit different websites of schools to find out more information about the schools application requirements, deadlines and their general enrollment process.

Establishing your fashion label:-

If you have already acquired the mandatory professional qualifications, you should as well learn about how to start a business before you start to build your own fashion label. There are a lot things to consider in terms of organization, planning, legal issues and ultimately financial issues. You will find plenty of information on the web which provides helpful information, checklists and links to seminars about start-up in the fashion industry.

To start a fashion label one has to deal with many things: Garment production and supplies, networking, marketing and sales as well as starting and running a business. Moreover, for the successful establishment of a fashion label it is usually necessary to have start-up capital and reserves or ongoing additional income.

Legal security for your fashion label:-

If you want to overcome this hurdle you should be very familiar with commercial law and the requirements for the registration of your brand or get professional help from a lawyer’s office or consultants.

Now you need to decide whether and where you want to register your fashion label as a trademark – either in your own country, in Europe or even worldwide. For most countries the local or national patent office will provide plenty of information, links and application forms on their websites so that you can easily prepare all necessary documents.

According to many patent offices, you can register your trademark if your application meets the statutory requirements for protection. However, you are responsible for ensuring that your brand is not already registered identically or similar by a proprietor of an earlier trade mark, who may lodge a protest against your younger brand. In this case your brand may be deleted and you will lose the rights to it. Also warnings can cost several thousand dollars and shall therefore be avoided.

Before you register your trademark you need to do an intensive research if your financial situation allows you to do so. No matter whether you want your brand to be established in the UK, US or the EU or even internationally, when researching brands you need to consider not only your national brands, but also trademarks abroad and international registrations / regulations.

You can perform the research yourself. The national patent office usually provides access to various databases. In addition you should also look into Internet search engines, telephone directories and commercial registers for identical or similar names. This is a very expensive way and there is always a residual uncertainty as to whether you have actually checked and ruled out all possibilities of similarity. It is therefore recommended that you get advice from an experienced lawyer or appropriate contact persons and firms specialized in trademark law who can be found on the Internet.

If your brand finally is registered you should check monthly whether your brand and your own rights are being violated by third parties. Although this is expensive, it is useful for quality assurance and thus keeping up the reputation of your brand. This task can be done by competent law firms. The costs are usually based on the scope of trademark protection.

Even though there has hardly been anything about fashion involved so far it is now time to start with textile related work.

MAVENS planet has been associated with the fashion industry since decades, helping small and big brands to develop and source garments, accessories, etc..

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